Thursday, March 13, 2025

23 June 2009

53rd Durban Air Show

11 - 12 July 2009

The 53rd edition of the Durban Airshow to be held at Virginia Airport in Durban North on July 11 and 12 is ‘going to be the best ever’ according to the organisers.

“The show is coming together very nicely indeed and the show is taking a huge step up with the sponsorship from the City of Durban” said Ray de Vries spokesman for the event.

“We expect a capacity crowd of over 15 000 people at the aerodrome to watch what will be the best ever airshow yet. There are over 80 acts each day with a plane taking off or landing every 7 minutes. The crowds will experience exactly why Durban is the warmest place to be this winter.

There will be SAP parachutists, SAAF, civilian jets, the Silver Falcons, passenger airliners, skydivers and many acts that will take place on the ground involving aircraft.

“We have amongst others; football supporters being freed from a hijacked bus by the crack SAP task force backed up by the SAP airwing, a mirage speeding across the skies, aerobatic team formations and many other favourites that are guaranteed to keep the crowds enthralled” said de Vries.

The show will open with a parade and a tribute to the City’s emergency, safety and security services assisted by major emergency role players .

Gates open on both days at 07h00 for the general public and the show commences at 09h30 each day.

SATURDAY, 11 July 2009

Adults R90
Children, Seniors, and Paraplegics R40

SUNDAY, 12 July 2009
Adults R80
Children, Seniors, and Paraplegics R40

Buy Tickets Online

Traffic and parking guidelines for the public will be posted on the website.

The online ticketing facility will open on Friday July 19 and will be available on the official show website

Released by : Julian Titshall of Ray de Vries Sports Solutions on behalf of the Dusi Mfula organisers.

Durban Wings Club, organisers of the Durban Airshow to be held at Virginia Airport in Durban on 11 and 12 July, received word on Tuesday that the world renowned Silver Falcons will be flying on both days of the show.

"The boost from Durban's new sponsorship has enabled us to take the show up another step and attract world class acts like this one "said Ray de Vries, spokesman for the organisers.
The show, in it's 53rd year, is the second longest running civilian airshow in the world to Farnborough in the UK.


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